Our Mission
The White Pine High School (WPHS) Athletic Booster Club is a 501(c)(3) volunteer organization whose purpose is best exemplified in this statement: The WPHS Athletic Booster Club is committed to enriching and supporting all athletic programs at WPHS. We are composed of parents, sports fans, business leaders, and alumni who support Bobcat/Ladycat athletic programs through volunteering, fundraising, and financial support. We assist with funding equipment, supplies, uniforms, and other capital items to enhance our students' Bobcat/Ladycat experience. We are dedicated to promoting school spirit and supporting the student-athletes, coaches, and advisers of Bobcat/Ladycat athletic programs
Business Sponsorships
Your potential sponsorship is a financial contribution and a significant investment in our community. Because of your support, we can provide a first-rate athletic experience for our student-athletes, their families, and fans. We have over 100 male and female student-athletes competing in eleven different sports programs, and your sponsorship will directly impact their experience, helping them achieve their athletic potential and making our community proud. Your contribution can truly change a student's life.
Booster Memberships
Whether you are a long-time supporter or considering your first membership, your support is vital for us to fulfill our mission. We offer many ways to support athletics through the Booster Club......first, become a member (Annual Membership is $50 for an individual, $100 for a COUPLE’S Membership, and $35.00 for a senior INDIVIDUAL), and we are always looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, scholarships, concessions, spirit and more. Lastly, attend our meetings and let your voice be heard (Typically on the 3rd Wednesday of every month).
2024 in Numbers
Student Athletes
Athletic Programs